Monday, February 27, 2012

Week of February 27th to March 2nd

Hi! This is the plan for this week:

Monday, February 27th: Last week we talked about your unit project and some terms about the weather. You're going to tell me the cities you chose. Today we will brainstorm vocabulary words reffering to the weather and we'll start Unit 9. You're going to do Ex A & B (Vocabulary and Listening Comprehension). We'll also start the Grammar section (ex D) the Present Continuous Tense. Today, we'll see the affirmative and negative structures and you're going to write a short story on the board - as a group. HOMEWORK: upload a pictionary of the vocabulary words seen in class. It's for tomorrow. Also, upload a picture and write 5 aff sentences of what is happening and 5 neg sentences. This last assignment is for Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 28th: Today, we'll see the interrogative structures of the Pres. Cont. Tense and drills on the blackboard (ex E and F, pg 77). HOMEWORK: Write 5 sentences in all forms. 

Wednesday, February 29th: I'm going to check your homework in your blogs. You're going to do the convesation on pg 77 and role play one of your own. We're also going to review ex. A in Lesson 2 - WH?'s. and do ex B asking questions about Mike and Paty's day. 

Thursday, March 1st: Today is lab day, but you went there 3 times last week, so you are not going today. We'll do ex C about rising and falling intonation of questions and we're going to play a game called Charades. We're also going to see the spelling rules for the present participle. HOMEWORK: Do lessons 1 and 2 in the workbook. 

Friday, March 2nd: You're going to do ex F and G for a grade and you're going to make a telephone call following the model conversation on pg. 79. Continue working on your project. 

Have a good week!
Your teacher,

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